2007 FPD Award Winners
Category 1: Outstanding Federal Planning Program
Winner: ACC Installation Electronic General Plans
Location: Headquarters, ACC, Langley AFB, VA
Sponsor: Headquarters, Air Combat Command
Contractor: HB&A
The use of technology to link planning efforts and provide access to a greater audience is important in the planning profession. The Air Force Portal allows all of the command’s 15 base installations to load-up, update, and maintain their General Plans at this one site, allow for shared information and access. This is something that could be used at other levels of government to enhance planning efforts and to effectively link different levels of government.
Category 2: Outstanding Federal Planning Project
Winner: U.S. Coast Guard Sector Guam Relocation Feasibility Study
Location: U.S. Coast Guard Sector, Guam
Sponsor: U.S. Coast Guard
Contractor: EDAW
Faced with accommodating a major influx of population in a major relocation project, the U.S. Coast Guard anticipated the impacts of such a move by doing a comprehensive feasibility study as part of the Navy’s master planning process for the Apra Outer Harbor area. The issues are clearly defined and presented in text and graphics that are easily understood. The depth of analysis of each of the three alternative sites is to be commended. The digital analysis tool that was used to measure assets to needs is easily transferable to other military facilities. The use of three charrettes to obtain planning and urban design feedback enhanced the process. It is truly outstanding in its comprehensiveness.
Category 3: Area Development Plan
Winner: Jackson Barracks Installation Master Plan
Location: New Orleans, LA
Sponsor: Louisiana Army National Guard
Contractor: HDR | Nakata Planning Group
This plan has an original approach to the tricky issue of how to rebuild, renovate, and preserve historic buildings that are damaged by natural disasters. Most striking was the commitment to collaboration and ensuring that the important historic integrity be maintained. The comprehensive approach is outstanding in linking the implementation of the plan to rebuilding efforts in New Orleans.
Category 4: Environmental Planning Excellence
Winner: Illinois River Basin Restoration
Location: Illinois River Basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin
Sponsor: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Contractor: Not Applicable
As one of the only Basin scale ecosystem restoration plans, it is original and may be utilized in other important basins. It is a complex plan because it involves one of the largest cities in the U.S., Chicago, as well as rural areas in three states. The use of cost benefit analysis was striking. It is an intensive effort that calls for coordination among a number of agencies at different levels of government. The collaboration among all stakeholders is to be commended.
Category 5: Outstanding Sustainable Planning or Design Project
Winner: The GSFC Sustainable Site Master Plan
Location: The Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Sponsor: NASA
Contractor: Parsons Infrastructure & Technology Group, Inc.
NASA’s Sustainable Landscape Management Plan was an impressive effort at phasing in work and addressing the long-term impact of the landscaping and its maintenance. Such an approach would be welcomed in the more traditional planning efforts, particularly addressing the long-term sustainability.Category 6: Outstanding Collaborative Planning Project or Program
Winner: Edwards Air Force Base and Muroc School District Center of Excellence
Location: Edwards Air Force Base, CA
Sponsor: U.S. Air Force
Contractor: Not Applicable
This innovative community outreach project recognizes a strong relationship between the military and the adjoining community. The center was created through recognition of a need for someplace for 13-18 youths to go, a place to provide continuing education, and a need for family childcare. Military personnel have committed to mentoring and tutoring along with other members of the community. high school students across the school district can take advantage of college courses in a facility that belongs to the school district but was renovated by the military base. The community importance can be seen by the level of community donations to the center. The partnership is run by civilians but fully supported by the military and the personnel involvement.
Category 7: Rik Wiant Distinguished Service and Leadership Award
William A. (Bill) Myers, AICP, F. SAME
William A. (Bill) Myers, AICP, F. SAME, exemplifies the spirit, if not the letter, of the Rik Wiant Distinguished Service and Leadership Award. The award is given to individuals who demonstrate sustained and significant contributions to the “federal” planning profession, and who have demonstrated significant leadership in promoting and encouraging planning at the Federal level. Bill’s contributions over the past 41 years, serving in various positions of leadership within the local, regional, and federal governments, as well as being a past Chair of the Federal Planning Division, have earned him this lifetime achievement award.
Since his retirement as the Chief of AFCEE’s Environmental Planning Division in 2001, Bill has remained active in federal planning serving as a consultant to several firms and, currently, as the Ombudsman to APA’s Division’s Council. He received numerous awards during his distinguished career, but none more deserving that this one. Bill’s enthusiasm, effectiveness, encouragement, and commitment to federal planning have been an inspiration to many and a primary reason for the FPD Executive Committee’s selection of William A. Myers as this years Rik Wiant Award recipient.
Byrnes K. Yamashita, FAICP
Byrnes Yamashita, FAICP, is recognized within the military community as a leading innovator in joint and strategic planning. His unique understanding of how installations support military operations has contributed significantly to the U.S. military posture in the Pacific and Indian Oceans over his extensive career of over 25 years. Byrnes was a key player in pioneering global and regional shore infrastructure planning for the Navy throughout the Pacific theater in areas such as Guam, Japan, Hawaii, Korea, Diego Garcia, and Singapore. Byrnes has provided valued consultation at all Navy and Marine Corps levels on many planning projects by identifying pitfalls early, recommending course corrections, and honing planner skills so that a comprehensive, defendable plan could be delivered.
Byrnes has demonstrated significant leadership in promoting and encouraging planning at the Federal level in his role as the Far East Division Planning Director at Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pacific. His extensive experience and willingness to share has led him to be a coach to many, leading/teaching numerous planners, including those of other organizations, on planning principles. To aid those new to military planning, Byrnes developed a curriculum for new planners to expedite transition to military jargon and to facilitate assimilation of military planning criteria and methodologies. He has trained and mentored scores of engineers, architects and planners at NAVFAC Pacific that are known throughout the Navy as a top-notch team.
Byrnes has also contributed significantly to planning efforts in his community by volunteering to facilitate workshops for community reuse of closing military bases and a planning charette for a green space/recreation vision. He has served as a judge for the annual APA Hawaii chapter planning awards competition and on the professional certification committee for APA Hawaii. The Navy has recognized Byrnes’ leadership and contributions to the practice of planning and management numerous times during his career. In 2006, Byrnes became the first Navy planner recognized as a member of the College of Fellows, American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). Byrnes is a member of APA Hawaii and the Federal Planning Division since its inception.